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My daily commute, whether for work, school runs or groceries, allows me some precious time to record or write notes relating to passive earning. I am happy to share these moments with whomever chooses to see and enjoy them. I hope they are of some use to you!

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Excerpt below is taken from one of my recent posts

Passive Alternatives

"Sell unused home items, online" may seem like I'm stating the obvious, and possibly showing my age, but just hear me out for a moment.

I am going to highlight a few reasons why you ought to take this step to aid your wellbeing ...and it doesn't require a gym!

Let's break it down...

Firstly, the obvious reason - extra cash in the bank or in your hand - a no brainer!

Here's the bit where you say, ‘Huh?’, but stick with me and it'll all make sense, I hope:

Christmas trees are beautiful when first purchased. The excitement of glamming them up, Dean Martin crooning over a glass of sherry, as in, *my* sherry, is all so joyous! Come Boxing Day, that fern's annoying and taking up much needed space; you just can't wait to be rid of it (mine’s fake btw needles, ever!)

Never-mind, let's focus on the latter.


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